The lives of individuals we support
Meaning of family
- “A group of people who are related to each other, such as a mother, a father and their children.”
Meaning of carer
- “A carer is anyone looking after a family member, friend or neighbour who needs help. They might have an illness, disability, physical or mental health problem, or addiction.”
Respecting the experience, knowledge and skills of families and carers
ELCAP recognises the dedicated care which families and carers commit to their loved ones or other individuals who need support to live good lives.
We respect the experience they can share and the knowledge and skills they have developed in their caring roles.
Working in partnership
Wherever possible, we work in partnership with families and carers to achieve the best outcomes for the individuals we support.
We share ideas on what’s working well and what we could do differently or better. We share our ambitions and agree realistic plans for meeting them. And, most importantly, we ensure that the individuals we support are at the centre of everything we do.