Family & Carers Zone

Support in our community

ELCAP enables individuals affected by learning disabilities, physical disabilities and mental health problems to live better, more independent lives within our community.


  • Support individuals to manage or overcome challenges and lead rich and varied lives.
  • Tailor our support to the needs and wishes of the individuals we work with.
  • Identify the abilities, knowledge and skills of the individuals we work with and help them realise their potential.
  • Enable the individuals we work with to be as independent as possible and encourage them to play an active part in their community.
  • Collaborate with organisations which can help us make more of a difference to the individuals we work with.

We work in 30 towns and villages across East Lothian and Midlothian.

The care and support we provide ranges from one hour to over 200 hours per week, depending on individual needs.

If you are interested in getting community-based support for a member of your family, please email or call us on 01875 814114.

Here’s what some family members say about our community-based services:

  • “I am pleased with the staff for the way they look after my brother.”
  • “Our brother has received excellent care and our family have seen him content, happy and living life to the full due to the training, commitment and compassion of the ELCAP staff.
  • “The care has got better, leaps and bounds. We find having the same carers is a big help.”