Stable and self-organised teams

Stable and self-organised teams

Our staff work in stable and self-organised teams.

Stability benefits our staff, as well as the individuals we support.

It builds the confidence and trust of the individuals we work with and helps us understand their ambitions, needs and preferences.  And it provides greater job satisfaction.  Staff get to know the individuals they support and can see the difference they are making to their lives.

Self-organisation enables our colleagues to draw on their creativity, experience, knowledge and skills.  It enables services to be planned and managed at the point closest to the individuals who require them.

We trust our staff to do a good job.  By placing control where it counts, we have significantly reduced management costs, allowing us to spend most of our money on front-line services, where it matters most.

Our approach to self-organisation draws on the Buurtzorg model, which was developed in the Netherlands.

Here’s what some of our staff had to say about self-organisation:

“Love this aspect of work. Leads to efficient team.”

“Self-organisation is going great – our team has flourished.”

“Team is working well and improving all the time.”