Ninety-two per cent of staff enjoy working for ELCAP
Ninety-two per cent of staff enjoy working for ELCAP
ELCAP has once again achieved high levels of satisfaction in its annual staff survey for 2022, with 92% of colleagues saying they enjoyed working for the charity.
Ninety-six per cent said they were kept in the loop about what is happening in the organisation while 90% of respondents said they were treated fairly at work.
The annual staff survey included 17 statements relevant to the experience of working for ELCAP. The overall satisfaction rate across these statements was just under 90%, a decrease of 2% since 2021.
Reflecting on the results of the survey, ELCAP Business Manager, Lara Ritchie, said:
“Many organisations would give their right arm for the staff satisfaction rates our charity achieves. We are really pleased to know that our colleagues view ELCAP as a great place to work, but we have no room for complacency.
Satisfaction rates have fallen in some key areas. We need to understand why that has happened and, most importantly, take steps to address the concerns our staff have raised.”
Pay was the area with the lowest satisfaction rate, with 54% of staff stating they were paid a fair rate for the job.
Ritchie said:
“We know that pay is a pressure point in the social care sector, so we are pleased that the issue is firmly on the agenda of our politicians. While we’d always like to do more, we have implemented two pay increases for our front line staff since December 2021, which means our salaries are among the most competitive in East Lothian and Midlothian.”
The 2022 survey contained two “one-off” statements relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic. Eighty-six per cent of staff said that ELCAP supported them well through the COVID-19 pandemic, while 85% were happy with the staff bonus paid in recognition of colleagues’ commitment during that time.
The results of the survey were shared at ELCAP’s recent staff seminars, which were held in Musselburgh on 10, 11 and 12 May. The seminars were the first to be held in person since February 2020.
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