ELCAP welcomes Independent Review of Adult Social Care

ELCAP welcomes the publication of the Independent Review of Adult Social Care in Scotland and its call for a renewed purpose for social care, with human rights at its heart.

The report sets out a new narrative for social care, replacing crisis with prevention and wellbeing, burden with investment, competition with collaboration and variation with fairness and equity,

ELCAP Chief Executive Paul White said:

“A number of the recommendations echo themes which are dear to our charity. For example, the report sees social care as a springboard, rather than a safety net and recognises the need to realise the human rights, equity and participation of people who use support services.
We are currently getting to grips with the content of the report and the implications for the individuals we support, our staff and our local partners. But we are heartened by the ambition of the Review and the way in which it builds on the vision for Self-Directed Support.”

ELCAP made one of almost 230 written submissions to the Review.  You can read our submission here.

A short film has been produced to make the Review and its recommendations more accessible.  A British Sign Language version of the film is also available.

Short Film

Sign Language Version