Consultation on a National Care Service for Scotland
The Scottish Government has announced a consultation on a National Care Service for Scotland.
The consultation sets out the Government’s proposals to improve the way we deliver social care in Scotland, following the recommendations of the Independent Review of Adult Social Care.
In his foreword to the consultation document, Kevin Stewart, Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care, said:
“If we get social care delivery right, we can help people live the kind of life they want to live; going to college, getting a job, remaining in their own communities for longer. Peoples’ lives can be transformed.”
One of the key elements of the Scottish Government’s proposals is the creation of a National Care Service, which will set the strategic direction and quality standards for community health and social care in Scotland. The National Care Service would have local delivery boards which work with the NHS, local authorities, and the third and independent sectors to plan, commission and deliver the support and services that people require.
The Government’s proposals also take forward the recommendations of the Independent Review around:
- Ensuring that care is person-centred and human rights based.
- Providing greater recognition and support for unpaid carers.
- Improving conditions for the social care workforce.
- Commissioning for public good.
- More effective approaches to scrutiny and improvement of social care services.
The closing date for responses to the consultation is 2 November 2021.
Welcoming the Scottish Government’s consultation, ELCAP Chief Executive Paul White said:
“We will draw on over 30 years of experience and knowledge to share our perspective on a National Care Service for Scotland and the range of other proposals from Government.
The proposed reforms around social care have the potential to be the biggest public sector reform in Scotland for decades. But rather than focus on structures, ELCAP is interested in how we can improve outcomes, not only for the individuals we support, but also for carers and families, our staff and our community.”
In addition to providing a written submission to the consultation, ELCAP is attending a series of online consultation events which are hosted by the Scottish Government. Details of these events are available via this link.
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