Best wishes on Christine’s retirement

Best wishes on Christine’s retirement

Everyone at ELCAP sends their very best wishes to Christine McKenzie, who retired on 20 September 2022 after more than 21 years with our charity.

Christine, who celebrated a special birthday on the day she retired, dropped into Woodbine Cottage at the start of the week for an informal send-off.

Reflecting on Christine’s retirement, ELCAP Chief Executive Paul White said:

“Christine has made a significant impact since she joined us in January 2001 and she will be much missed by her colleagues and the individuals she supported.

Prior to joining ELCAP, Christine was part of the team at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, where she also worked for more than 21 years.  And as a young person, she volunteered for St Joseph’s in Rosewell.

Christine has committed her working life to helping individuals overcome barriers and live good lives.  Over the years, she has given so much to so many, but it’s now time for her to enjoy a well-earned rest.  We wish Christine a long and happy retirement.”