Be our Business Manager?

Be our Business Manager?

A vacancy has created a rare opportunity to join ELCAP’s leadership team at an exciting time in our organisation’s development.  Reporting to our Chief Executive, our Business Manager will lead our business support functions, help us evidence our impact and ensure that everyone involved with ELCAP has a quality experience.

We are looking for someone who has sound management skills, a zest for business improvement and the drive to enable our organisation to become the recognised gold standard in social care.

ELCAP Chief Executive, Paul White, said:

“We are passionate about making a real difference to the individuals we support, by enabling them to live better, more independent lives within our community.  But we can only make that difference if our charity is built on strong foundations and managed to the highest standards.

We are looking for a Business Manager with the enthusiasm and experience to allow us to build on our achievements to date.  In return, we will provide the successful candidate with a great place to work.  As well as being Recognised for Excellence against the EFQM Excellence Model, ELCAP is accredited at the Platinum level of the Investors in People standard.”

Full details of the post and the application process are available on the Goodmoves website.