ELCAP staff and supporters have donated £40.00 to New Beginnings Club, following a successful “Wear a Christmas Jumper to Work” day in December.

ELCAP staff and supporters have donated £40.00 to New Beginnings Club, following a successful “Wear a Christmas Jumper to Work” day in December.
ELCAP has announced the winners of its 2020 Our Community photo competition.
We are sad to report the passing of Allan Sinclair, who died on Hogmanay after a short illness at the age of 71.
Everyone with an interest in ELCAP is invited to attend an online premiere of a new recruitment video.
In the run-up to the launch of our new branding, our Facebook page ran a series of posts featuring Elsie the ELCAP Bear.
Edinburgh Airport has donated 6,000 face masks to ELCAP, helping the charity keep safe the individuals it supports, its staff and its community.
ELCAP staff and supporters have donated £40.00 to New Beginnings Club, following a successful “Wear a Christmas Jumper to Work” day in December.